Lds Primary Lesson Schedule 2024

Lds Primary Lesson Schedule 2024

Lds Primary Lesson Schedule 2024

The Primary organization in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints provides weekly lessons for children ages 3 to 11. These lessons are designed to help children learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ, develop their testimonies, and grow in their understanding of Heavenly Father’s plan for them.

The 2024 Primary lesson schedule has not yet been released, but it is typically announced in the November issue of the Ensign magazine. However, the 2023 Primary lesson schedule can be found on the Church’s website, and it is likely that the 2024 schedule will be similar.

The 2023 Primary lesson schedule is based on the following themes:

Lds Primary Lesson Schedule 2024

The 2024 Primary lesson schedule is not yet available, but it is likely to be similar to the 2023 schedule, which is based on the following themes:

  • Our Heavenly Father’s Plan
  • Jesus Christ and His Atonement
  • The Holy Ghost
  • The Restoration of the Gospel
  • Prophets and Revelation
  • Temples and Ordinances
  • Covenants

The Primary lesson schedule is designed to help children learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ, develop their testimonies, and grow in their understanding of Heavenly Father’s plan for them.

Our Heavenly Father’s Plan

Heavenly Father has a plan for each of His children. This plan is designed to help us progress and become like Him. The Primary lessons for 2024 will focus on the following aspects of Heavenly Father’s plan:

  • Premortal Life:

    We lived as spirits with Heavenly Father before we were born on earth. We learned about His plan and chose to follow it.

  • Earth Life:

    We come to earth to gain a physical body, learn and progress, and make choices. We experience joy and sorrow, and we learn from our mistakes.

  • Death and Resurrection:

    When we die, our spirits return to Heavenly Father. We await the resurrection of our bodies, when we will be reunited with them and live forever.

  • Eternal Progression:

    After the resurrection, we will continue to progress and learn. We can eventually become like Heavenly Father and live with Him forever.

The Primary lessons for 2024 will help children understand Heavenly Father’s plan and how they can follow it. They will learn about the importance of making good choices, serving others, and striving to become like Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ and His Atonement

Jesus Christ is the central figure in Heavenly Father’s plan. He came to earth to fulfill His Atonement, which was a sacrifice that overcame the effects of sin and made it possible for us to repent and return to Heavenly Father.

  • Suffering in Gethsemane:

    Jesus suffered greatly in the Garden of Gethsemane as He took upon Himself the sins of the world.

  • Crucifixion:

    Jesus was crucified on Calvary, where He died and His blood was shed.

  • Resurrection:

    Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, overcoming the power of death.

  • Ascension:

    Jesus ascended into heaven, where He sits at the right hand of Heavenly Father.

The Primary lessons for 2024 will help children understand the Atonement of Jesus Christ and how it can help them in their lives. They will learn about the importance of repentance, forgiveness, and striving to follow Jesus Christ.

The Holy Ghost

The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead. He is a personage of spirit and is often referred to as the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, or the Comforter.

The Holy Ghost bears witness of the Father and the Son, and He reveals truth to us. He guides us and helps us to make righteous choices. He also comforts us and gives us peace.

We can receive the Holy Ghost through the ordinance of confirmation, which is usually performed when we are eight years old. When we receive the Holy Ghost, we are given the gift of the Holy Ghost, which is a constant companion that can help us throughout our lives.

The Primary lessons for 2024 will help children understand the role of the Holy Ghost in their lives. They will learn about the importance of listening to the promptings of the Holy Ghost and following His guidance.

The Holy Ghost is a powerful influence for good in our lives. He can help us to become more like Jesus Christ and to return to our Heavenly Father.

The Restoration of the Gospel

The gospel of Jesus Christ was first taught on the earth by Adam and Eve. However, over time, the gospel was corrupted and lost. In the 19th century, the gospel was restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith.

Joseph Smith was born in Sharon, Vermont, in 1805. He was a devout young man who sought to know which church was true. In 1820, he experienced a vision of God the Father and Jesus Christ. This vision led him to study the Bible and pray for further guidance.

In 1823, Joseph Smith was visited by the angel Moroni. Moroni told Joseph about a set of gold plates that contained the fulness of the gospel. Joseph translated the plates into English, and the resulting book is known as the Book of Mormon.

The Restoration of the gospel was a major event in the history of the world. It made it possible for people to once again learn the true gospel of Jesus Christ and receive the saving ordinances of the priesthood.

The Primary lessons for 2024 will help children understand the Restoration of the gospel and its importance in their lives. They will learn about the Prophet Joseph Smith and his role in the Restoration. They will also learn about the importance of the Book of Mormon and the other standard works of the Church.

Prophets and Revelation

Prophets are called by God to lead and teach His children. They receive revelation from God and speak for Him.

  • The Role of Prophets:

    Prophets teach us about God’s plan, warn us of danger, and help us to understand the future.

  • How Prophets Receive Revelation:

    Prophets receive revelation through the Holy Ghost. They may see visions, hear voices, or have thoughts and feelings come into their minds.

  • The Importance of Listening to Prophets:

    It is important to listen to prophets because they speak for God. When we listen to prophets, we are blessed with guidance, protection, and peace.

  • The Living Prophet:

    The President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the living prophet. He is the only person on the earth who holds all of the priesthood keys necessary to lead the Church.

The Primary lessons for 2024 will help children understand the role of prophets and the importance of listening to them. They will learn about some of the prophets in the scriptures and how they helped God’s children.

Temples and Ordinances

Temples are sacred buildings where we can participate in ordinances that are essential for our eternal progression. Ordinances are ceremonies that are performed by the priesthood and that help us to make covenants with God.

One of the most important ordinances is baptism. Baptism is a symbol of our commitment to follow Jesus Christ. When we are baptized, we are washed clean of our sins and we become members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Another important ordinance is the sacrament. The sacrament is a weekly ordinance that helps us to remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and to renew our baptismal covenants. When we take the sacrament, we eat bread and drink water in remembrance of the Savior’s body and blood.

Temples are also places where we can receive other ordinances, such as the endowment and the sealing ordinance. The endowment is a special ordinance that helps us to learn more about God’s plan and to prepare for eternal life. The sealing ordinance is a sacred ordinance that binds families together for eternity.

The Primary lessons for 2024 will help children understand the importance of temples and ordinances. They will learn about the different ordinances that are performed in the temple and how they can help us to progress eternally.


Covenants are agreements that we make with God. When we make a covenant, we promise to do something and God promises to bless us in return.

  • The Importance of Covenants:

    Covenants are important because they help us to draw closer to God and to receive His blessings.

  • How We Make Covenants:

    We make covenants with God through ordinances such as baptism, the sacrament, and the temple endowment.

  • The Blessings of Keeping Covenants:

    When we keep our covenants, God blesses us with guidance, protection, and peace.

  • The Consequences of Breaking Covenants:

    If we break our covenants, we lose the blessings that God has promised us.

The Primary lessons for 2024 will help children understand the importance of covenants and how they can make and keep covenants with God.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the LDS Primary Lesson Schedule for 2024:

Question 1: When will the 2024 Primary lesson schedule be released?
Answer 1: The 2024 Primary lesson schedule will likely be released in the November 2023 issue of the Ensign magazine.

Question 2: Where can I find the 2023 Primary lesson schedule?
Answer 2: The 2023 Primary lesson schedule can be found on the Church’s website.

Question 3: What are the themes of the 2023 Primary lessons?
Answer 3: The themes of the 2023 Primary lessons are: Our Heavenly Father’s Plan, Jesus Christ and His Atonement, The Holy Ghost, The Restoration of the Gospel, Prophets and Revelation, Temples and Ordinances, and Covenants.

Question 4: How can I prepare for the 2024 Primary lessons?
Answer 4: You can prepare for the 2024 Primary lessons by studying the scriptures, reading Church magazines, and attending Church meetings.

Question 5: What resources are available to help me teach the Primary lessons?
Answer 5: There are a variety of resources available to help you teach the Primary lessons, including the Primary manual, the Gospel Library app, and the Church’s website.

Question 6: How can I get involved in Primary?
Answer 6: You can get involved in Primary by volunteering to teach a class, serving as a helper, or participating in other Primary activities.

Question 7: Where can I find more information about Primary?
Answer 7: You can find more information about Primary on the Church’s website or by talking to your local Primary presidency.

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about the LDS Primary Lesson Schedule for 2024. For more information, please visit the Church’s website or talk to your local Primary presidency.

In addition to the FAQ above, here are a few tips for teaching the Primary lessons:


Here are a few tips for teaching the LDS Primary Lesson Schedule for 2024:

1. Prepare in advance.
Take some time before each lesson to prepare your materials and review the lesson content. This will help you to be more confident and organized when you are teaching.

2. Be enthusiastic.
Your enthusiasm for the gospel will be contagious and will help to engage your students. Be excited to teach the lessons and share your testimony with your students.

3. Be patient.
Not all of your students will learn at the same pace. Be patient with those who are struggling and provide them with the support they need to succeed.

4. Make it fun.
Learning should be enjoyable for both you and your students. Use games, activities, and other fun methods to teach the lessons and help your students to learn.

By following these tips, you can help your students to have a positive and meaningful experience in Primary.

The LDS Primary Lesson Schedule for 2024 is a valuable resource for teaching children about the gospel of Jesus Christ. By preparing in advance, being enthusiastic, being patient, and making it fun, you can help your students to learn and grow in their testimonies.


The LDS Primary Lesson Schedule for 2024 is a valuable resource for teaching children about the gospel of Jesus Christ. The lessons are designed to help children learn about Heavenly Father’s plan, Jesus Christ and His Atonement, the Holy Ghost, the Restoration of the gospel, prophets and revelation, temples and ordinances, and covenants.

By teaching these lessons, we can help our children to develop a strong foundation in the gospel and to grow in their testimonies of Jesus Christ. We can also help them to prepare for the blessings of eternal life.

May we all strive to teach the Primary lessons with faith, love, and testimony. As we do, we will help our children to come unto Christ and to experience the joy of His gospel.

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