Lecom Match List 2024

Lecom Match List 2024

Lecom Match List 2024

The LECOM Match List is a highly anticipated event in the medical field, marking the culmination of the residency application and matching process for medical students. The 2024 Match List will open on March 17, 2023, with students submitting their rank order lists through the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP). The results of the Match will be released on March 17, 2024.

The LECOM Match List 2024 will include all graduating medical students from the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) campuses in Erie, Pennsylvania; Bradenton, Florida; and Greensburg, Pennsylvania. The Match List will also include students from the LECOM School of Pharmacy and the LECOM School of Dental Medicine.

The LECOM Match List is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students and faculty. We are proud of the accomplishments of our students and wish them all the best in their residency training and future careers.

Lecom Match List 2024

The LECOM Match List 2024 is a highly anticipated event for medical students, marking the culmination of the residency application and matching process. Here are 10 important points about the LECOM Match List 2024:

  • Opens March 17, 2023
  • Results released March 17, 2024
  • Includes all LECOM medical students
  • Also includes pharmacy and dental students
  • Students submit rank order lists
  • Matches students to residency programs
  • Reflects student accomplishments
  • Demonstrates faculty dedication
  • Prepares students for future careers
  • Builds on LECOM’s legacy of excellence

The LECOM Match List 2024 is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students and faculty. We are proud of the accomplishments of our students and wish them all the best in their residency training and future careers.

Opens March 17, 2023

The LECOM Match List 2024 will open on March 17, 2023. This is the date when graduating medical students from LECOM will be able to submit their rank order lists to the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP). The NRMP is a non-profit organization that matches medical students to residency programs based on their preferences.

  • Students must register with the NRMP

    In order to participate in the Match, students must first register with the NRMP. The registration process opens in September and closes in January. Students must provide the NRMP with their personal information, academic credentials, and a list of their preferred residency programs.

  • Students rank their preferred residency programs

    Once students have registered with the NRMP, they will need to rank their preferred residency programs. Students can rank up to 20 programs, and they can rank them in any order they wish. The NRMP will use these rank order lists to match students to residency programs.

  • The NRMP matches students to residency programs

    The NRMP uses a computerized algorithm to match students to residency programs. The algorithm takes into account the students’ rank order lists and the availability of positions in each program. The NRMP will release the results of the Match on March 17, 2024.

  • Students must accept or decline their Match offers

    Once students have received their Match results, they will have a short period of time to accept or decline their Match offers. If a student accepts their Match offer, they will be guaranteed a position in that residency program. If a student declines their Match offer, they will be placed in the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP), which is a process for matching unmatched students to residency programs that have unfilled positions.

The Match is a complex and competitive process, but it is also an important one. The Match helps to ensure that medical students are placed in residency programs that are a good fit for their interests and career goals.

Results released March 17, 2024

The results of the LECOM Match List 2024 will be released on March 17, 2024. This is the date when graduating medical students from LECOM will find out which residency programs they have been matched to.

  • Students will receive their Match results via email

    The NRMP will send an email to all students who participated in the Match on March 17, 2024. The email will contain a link to a website where students can view their Match results.

  • Students will have a short time to accept or decline their Match offers

    Once students have received their Match results, they will have a short period of time to accept or decline their Match offers. If a student accepts their Match offer, they will be guaranteed a position in that residency program. If a student declines their Match offer, they will be placed in the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP), which is a process for matching unmatched students to residency programs that have unfilled positions.

  • Unmatched students will participate in SOAP

    Students who do not match to a residency program through the NRMP Match will participate in the SOAP. SOAP is a process for matching unmatched students to residency programs that have unfilled positions. The SOAP process begins on March 17, 2024 and ends on June 30, 2024.

  • Students who do not match through SOAP will be unmatched

    Students who do not match to a residency program through the NRMP Match or SOAP will be unmatched. Unmatched students may choose to apply to residency programs again the following year, or they may pursue other career options.

The Match is a stressful process for medical students, but it is also an important one. The Match helps to ensure that medical students are placed in residency programs that are a good fit for their interests and career goals.

Includes all LECOM medical students

The LECOM Match List 2024 will include all graduating medical students from the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) campuses in Erie, Pennsylvania; Bradenton, Florida; and Greensburg, Pennsylvania.

LECOM is a leading osteopathic medical school with a long history of excellence in medical education. LECOM’s medical students are well-prepared for residency training and successful careers in medicine.

The LECOM Match List 2024 will reflect the hard work and dedication of our medical students. We are confident that our students will match to residency programs that are a good fit for their interests and career goals.

In addition to medical students, the LECOM Match List 2024 will also include students from the LECOM School of Pharmacy and the LECOM School of Dental Medicine. This reflects LECOM’s commitment to providing a comprehensive education in the health sciences.

Also includes pharmacy and dental students

The LECOM Match List 2024 will also include students from the LECOM School of Pharmacy and the LECOM School of Dental Medicine. This is the first time that LECOM’s pharmacy and dental students will be included on the Match List.

The inclusion of pharmacy and dental students on the Match List reflects LECOM’s commitment to providing a comprehensive education in the health sciences. LECOM is one of the few institutions in the country that offers all three of these health professions on a single campus.

LECOM’s pharmacy and dental students are well-prepared for residency training and successful careers in their respective fields. We are confident that these students will match to residency programs that are a good fit for their interests and career goals.

The LECOM Match List 2024 will be a testament to the hard work and dedication of all of our students. We are proud of the accomplishments of our students and wish them all the best in their residency training and future careers.

Students submit rank order lists

As part of the LECOM Match List 2024 process, students will need to submit rank order lists to the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP). A rank order list is a list of the residency programs that a student is interested in, ranked in order of preference. The NRMP will use these rank order lists to match students to residency programs.

Students should carefully consider their rank order lists. The order in which a student ranks a program will affect their chances of matching to that program. Students should rank the programs that they are most interested in at the top of their list.

Students can submit up to 20 rank order lists. However, students are encouraged to submit as many rank order lists as possible. The more rank order lists a student submits, the more likely they are to match to a residency program that is a good fit for their interests and career goals.

The deadline to submit rank order lists is March 17, 2023. Students who do not submit their rank order lists by the deadline will not be included in the Match.

Matches students to residency programs

The National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) uses a computerized algorithm to match students to residency programs. The algorithm takes into account the students’ rank order lists and the availability of positions in each program.

  • The algorithm first tries to match students to their top-ranked programs

    The algorithm starts by trying to match students to their top-ranked programs. If a student’s top-ranked program has a position available, the student will be matched to that program.

  • If a student’s top-ranked program does not have a position available, the algorithm will move on to the student’s next-ranked program

    If a student’s top-ranked program does not have a position available, the algorithm will move on to the student’s next-ranked program. This process continues until the student is matched to a program.

  • The algorithm takes into account the availability of positions in each program

    The algorithm also takes into account the availability of positions in each program. If a program has more applicants than positions available, the algorithm will not be able to match all of the applicants to that program.

  • The algorithm is designed to be fair and equitable

    The NRMP algorithm is designed to be fair and equitable. The algorithm does not take into account any factors other than the students’ rank order lists and the availability of positions in each program.

The NRMP algorithm is a complex and sophisticated system. However, it is also a fair and equitable system. The algorithm helps to ensure that students are matched to residency programs that are a good fit for their interests and career goals.

Reflects student accomplishments

The LECOM Match List 2024 will reflect the hard work and dedication of our students. Our students have excelled in their academic and clinical training, and they are well-prepared for residency training and successful careers in medicine.

The LECOM Match List 2024 will also reflect the dedication of our faculty and staff. Our faculty and staff are committed to providing our students with the best possible education and training. They have worked tirelessly to prepare our students for the challenges of residency training and beyond.

We are proud of the accomplishments of our students and faculty. The LECOM Match List 2024 is a testament to their hard work and dedication.

The LECOM Match List 2024 will also be a source of pride for our alumni. Our alumni have gone on to successful careers in all areas of medicine. They are leaders in their field and they are making a difference in the lives of their patients.

Demonstrates faculty dedication

The LECOM Match List 2024 will demonstrate the dedication of our faculty. Our faculty are committed to providing our students with the best possible education and training. They have worked tirelessly to prepare our students for the challenges of residency training and beyond.

Our faculty are experts in their field. They are actively involved in research and scholarship. They are also dedicated to teaching and mentoring our students. Our faculty are passionate about helping our students succeed.

The LECOM Match List 2024 will be a testament to the hard work and dedication of our faculty. Our faculty are committed to our students and to the future of medicine.

The LECOM Match List 2024 will also be a source of pride for our faculty. Our faculty have dedicated their careers to educating and training the next generation of physicians. They are proud of the accomplishments of our students and they are confident that our students will go on to successful careers in medicine.

Prepares students for future careers

The LECOM Match List 2024 will prepare our students for successful careers in medicine. Our students will be matched to residency programs that are a good fit for their interests and career goals. They will receive the training and experience they need to become successful physicians.

  • Our students will be well-prepared for the challenges of residency training

    Our students have a strong foundation in the basic sciences and clinical medicine. They have also had the opportunity to gain experience in a variety of clinical settings. This experience will prepare them for the challenges of residency training.

  • Our students will be matched to residency programs that are a good fit for their interests and career goals

    The LECOM Match List 2024 will reflect the hard work and dedication of our students. Our students have excelled in their academic and clinical training, and they are well-prepared for residency training and successful careers in medicine.

  • Our students will receive the training and experience they need to become successful physicians

    Our students will receive the training and experience they need to become successful physicians. They will work with experienced physicians and they will have access to state-of-the-art facilities.

  • Our students will be prepared to make a difference in the lives of their patients

    Our students are passionate about helping others. They are committed to providing high-quality care to their patients. Our students will be prepared to make a difference in the lives of their patients.

The LECOM Match List 2024 is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students and faculty. We are confident that our students will go on to successful careers in medicine and that they will make a difference in the lives of their patients.

Builds on LECOM’s legacy of excellence

The LECOM Match List 2024 builds on LECOM’s legacy of excellence in medical education. LECOM has a long history of training successful physicians. Our graduates are leaders in their field and they are making a difference in the lives of their patients.

  • LECOM has a strong academic reputation

    LECOM has a strong academic reputation. Our medical school is accredited by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) and our pharmacy school is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). Our students consistently perform well on standardized exams and they have a high match rate to residency programs.

  • LECOM has a dedicated faculty

    LECOM has a dedicated faculty. Our faculty are experts in their field and they are committed to teaching and mentoring our students. Our faculty are passionate about helping our students succeed.

  • LECOM has state-of-the-art facilities

    LECOM has state-of-the-art facilities. Our medical school and pharmacy school are located on a beautiful campus in Erie, Pennsylvania. Our facilities include a simulation center, a research center, and a library.

  • LECOM has a supportive learning environment

    LECOM has a supportive learning environment. Our students are supported by a team of academic advisors, counselors, and tutors. Our students also have access to a variety of student organizations and clubs.

The LECOM Match List 2024 is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students and faculty. We are confident that our students will go on to successful careers in medicine and that they will make a difference in the lives of their patients.


The LECOM Match List 2024 is a highly anticipated event for medical students. Here are some frequently asked questions about the Match List:

Question 1: When will the LECOM Match List 2024 be released?
Answer 1: The LECOM Match List 2024 will be released on March 17, 2024.

Question 2: How can I view my Match results?
Answer 2: You will receive an email from the NRMP with a link to a website where you can view your Match results.

Question 3: What should I do if I do not match to a residency program?
Answer 3: If you do not match to a residency program, you will participate in the Supplemental Offer and Acceptance Program (SOAP). SOAP is a process for matching unmatched students to residency programs that have unfilled positions.

Question 4: What is the deadline to submit rank order lists?
Answer 4: The deadline to submit rank order lists is March 17, 2023.

Question 5: How many rank order lists can I submit?
Answer 5: You can submit up to 20 rank order lists.

Question 6: What should I consider when ranking my programs?
Answer 6: You should consider your interests, career goals, and the availability of positions in each program when ranking your programs.

Question 7: What is the NRMP algorithm?
Answer 7: The NRMP algorithm is a computerized algorithm that matches students to residency programs. The algorithm takes into account the students’ rank order lists and the availability of positions in each program.

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about the LECOM Match List 2024. For more information, please visit the NRMP website.

In addition to the FAQ, here are some tips for students who are preparing for the Match:


Here are some tips for students who are preparing for the LECOM Match List 2024:

Tip 1: Start preparing early
The Match is a competitive process, so it is important to start preparing early. Begin by researching residency programs and ranking your programs. You should also start working on your personal statement and letters of recommendation.

Tip 2: Get involved in extracurricular activities
Extracurricular activities can help you to stand out from other applicants. Consider volunteering, participating in research, or joining a medical society.

Tip 3: Network with physicians and other healthcare professionals
Networking can help you to learn about residency programs and to get your foot in the door. Attend medical conferences and events, and reach out to physicians and other healthcare professionals in your field.

Tip 4: Practice interviewing
The residency interview is an important part of the Match process. Practice interviewing with friends, family, or a career counselor. This will help you to feel more confident and prepared on interview day.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of matching to your top choice residency program.

The LECOM Match List 2024 is a significant milestone in the lives of our medical students. We are confident that our students will match to residency programs that are a good fit for their interests and career goals. We wish our students all the best in the Match.


The LECOM Match List 2024 is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students and faculty. Our students have excelled in their academic and clinical training, and they are well-prepared for residency training and successful careers in medicine.

The Match List reflects the diversity of our student body and the wide range of career opportunities available to our graduates. Our students have matched to residency programs in all specialties and in all parts of the country.

We are proud of the accomplishments of our students and we wish them all the best in their residency training and future careers. We are confident that they will make a difference in the lives of their patients and in the communities they serve.

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